Thursday, September 20, 2012

More Harrassment

AA somehow freaked out and was paranoid about being sued or having me tell people about how horrible they treated me so they constantly try to mess with me and spread rumors.  Any time they neeed someone to help harrass them they spread a new rumor.  They seem awful scared about what I might say about them.  They are strangely petty to a degree I have never seen before and I am not used to people like that.

My opinion is that they are super prejudiced about mental disorders and also it is not a great place for women.  I am sure there are tons of women that have been helped by the program but I wonder how many other people have been harrassed like me.  Initially, I did not want to tell anyone about what they do because I think the book and the program are good and did not want anyone not to get the treatment they needed because of me but this is starting to get a little silly.

Today I went to get after school childcare for my daughter and they were weird and then the place we are using suddenly "raised their rates".  But they haven't published those rates yet on their website.

Okay, sure, uh huh.  What am I going to do, leave my kid alone while I work? 

So here is my opinion, if you are a woman or have a mental illness, do not go to serenity house in mundelein illinois.  Sure, the harrassment may be a bunch of lies and misunderstandings, which is possible, but why risk it?  Don't go there - if someone suggest it, just smile and nod and get a brochure for another district. 

10 years of them spreading rumors about me and lies so that people will harrass me.


My daughter does not have a father who lives with her because they make false accusations and spread lies to her fathers family and try to blame things on me.

Also, my mom lives in filth and does not see her daughter and granddaughter.

They spread lies and false accusations to get people I know to harrass me in order to brag about the fact that they can do it.

Who is that petty? 

They try to tell people that I have a personality disorder.  I may have whatever, but come on, what do you have to have to harrass a single mom who does nothing but tries to make it in this world and take good care of her kid who came to you for help when she did not want to die by drinking herself to death?

They spread rumors to try and keep me from doing anything that is fun.  I don't care, I will still do things.

People always say weird stuff to us, I never understand any of it, but I recognize the repeating and the tone they use when they think they are saying something that I am supposed to understand.

I know they spread rumors about something at a cubs game and something at a packers game because of comments.  I don't think I have ever seen the packers play but I do love the cubs. 

However, aside from drinking and cheering, nothing significant has ever happened at a game.

Other than that, the comments are just weird.

They like to use the numbers 40 and today the woman at daycare used the number 24 like 800 times so I assume their is something to that.

Then their is a rumor about a barstool, but that is all I have.

I think they look up their members step 5s to look for things they have done or pick people who have committed crimes that they need to cover for.

That is not what the big book says people should do.

They use kids.  Adults who want to do bad things always use kids.  Thats why their are so many kids in gangs.  I don't know what they tell them to get them to participate but they are always willing.

Then, people don't give me info.  I called my daughter's school to get some info and they make a crack about it being sent home in her paperwork.  There is some stupid rumor about paperwork that they spread as an excuse to get people to not give me good service and make stupid cracks but I will be damned if I know what it is, so what is the point of telling it to me?   Tell it to someone who gets the joke.

I tried to hook up with an old girlfriend but they made her think I wanted to live with her for free (another lie, that I want to live with someone for free) and then her brother in law made some comment about not being able to afford a wife and kid.  I think they tell people I would go with any guy or some crap.  How I feel is I am still trying to get over my husband so, thanks, but no thanks.

They have some group that communicates via facebook that they tell what to say to me.

The lady at the drug testing place I used for work made some crack about needing a sweatshirt and the smell of a heater when you first turn it on.  Once again, why harrass me with your inside jokes? 

Then they tell me through things posted to my school that they spread lies to try and protect AA members from me (yes, I am very scary).  Also, some crap about the art of war and what they do:  divide and conquer, get someone in trouble so you can pretend to help them out of it, etc. etc. 

What I notice that they do is get AA members in different places to spread lies to people to get them to cooperate.  And they get people to cover for the things they do.  They keep trying to get me to sign paperwork when I go places and have the person fill out the rest of the document.  I am guessing at some poing they forged my signature for something and need to cover.

The whole reason beside it (which they have bragged about) is to keep my family and friends and other people from wanting to hang out with me.  They actually printed a bogus magazine so they could put articles in it about isolating me and banishing me.  What kind of a person do you have to be to do something like that?

I tried to get on a show so I could talk about it on a talk show and take a lie detector test to prove I have never done anything so people would stop harrassing me but they used their contacts there to prevent me from getting on a show.  They probably don't want me telling my story on tv, right?  It makes them look pretty awful.

At work they had someone hack into their system and then they had them have a calendar with things scheduled on it on the computer they used and then they had people in town try to schedule things so it looked like it was my calendar.

How do I know this?  Good hearing.

They make false accusations against my spouse that I am separated from because they do this.  They get him to make the same stupid comments around me to see if I will get upset and then when I make comments they tell him I am doing the same thing to him, but I am not.  I can see his face and tell they make the same stupid comments to him too.

Stupid comments about peanut allergies.  I don't know anyone who has ever had a reaction to a peanut or any nut so who knows what that is about.

Oh, and comments about something happening in vegas and something at a comedy show with the cable guy.  Just things so if I ever go to vegas or a comedy show they can get some creepy person to harrass me.

I heard a woman at work say they were just trying to blacklist me.

Here is what I have learned about human nature:

A whole lot of people are willing to harrass a person for no good reason, but not many are willing to stand up and do something about it when an innocent woman is being harrassed.

If it were me, I would stand up for that person.  Not like I would get in a fist fight about it or anything but I would not agree to participate.  So you know what they have taught me?  I am a good person.  And sometimes that is something that is good to know about yourself.  And I am also a lot stronger than I ever thought I could be, and that is something else that is good to know also.

And you know what I regret?  Not standing up for myself (although, if I could go back in time I just would have gone somewhere else for AA). 

Here is what I regret:  there was a nice guy at AA with schizophrenia.  And he was not taking his medication.  And it broke my heart to hear him talk about using the program to try and help himself and talking about jesus christ helping him and he was not sleeping.  And I knew that someone should tell him how much better he would feel if he took medication, but I was having some troubles with my medication at the time and I would have trouble going to meetings, it was too much stimulation and I just had to leave and I never had the chance to tell him how much my medication helped me or just to be nice to him because I know how hard it is to live with a mental illness and how a lot of people really don't understand and have a lot of fear and misinformation. 


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